
Showing 49–64 of 68 results

Lettuce growing in hydroponic mason jar

Hydroponic Mason Jar

This kit comes with everything you need to grow fresh veggies at home year-round.  Makes a great gift for any gardener too!

3pk2500 tomato formula 574x499

3 Part Masterblend Nutrient Kit (Tomato Formula)

Viewed by many as the gold standard for hydroponic growing, Masterblend tomato nutrients are well-suited for both soil-based and hydroponic growing.

3pk2500l masterblend lettuce kit

3 Part Masterblend Nutrients (Lettuce Formula)

The 3 part Masterblend lettuce nutrients is specifically formulated to maximize yield with all types of lettuce, herbs and other greens.

Plant Collars

Plant Collars

Keep your growing media in place and provide your plants with extra support. Durable, but gentle enough for even the smallest seedlings.

Net pot 1

Net Pots

A commonly used plant containment method in many hydroponic systems and also known as ‘Net Cups’.

Starter Plant Bundle

Save weeks of growing time with our hydroponic starter plants. Choose from a variety of plant types available at our farm.

Thyme starter plant 574x499

Hydroponic Thyme Starter Plants

Pesticide free and sustainably grown inside our vertical farm, summer Thyme is spicier and bolder tasting than the common German Winter variety.

Sweet basil starter plant 574x499

Sweet Basil Starter Plants

Locally grown year-round inside our vertical farm. This glossy, deep green leaves with the authentic Genoese taste and aroma are 3″ long beautifully cupped.

Italian parsley 474x499

Italian Parsley Starter Plants

Giant of Italy is the perfect culinary variety of parsley.  With large, dark greens leaves packed full of flavour these herbs are a must have for fresh food enthusiasts.

Hydroponic Dill

Grown year round in our vertical farm in South East Calgary, this productive, slow-bolting dill with full, densely packed leaves.

Hydroponic Rosemary Starter Plants

This herb has a strong smell and taste, and it is also packed with antioxidants, volatile oils and other protective phytochemical compounds. Rosemary’s taste is described as warm and somewhat bitter.

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Hydroponic Sage

Save up to 8 weeks of growing time with our hydroponic sage.

Greek Oregano

Hydroponic Greek Oregano Starter Plants

Save up to 8 weeks of growing time with our Hydroponic Greek Oregano Starter Plants.

Aeva Indoor Garden

Aeva Indoor Garden

The Aeva indoor garden is a freestanding all-in-one unit that simply plugs into a power outlet anywhere in your home. Grow a range of herbs, fruits, and leafy greens year-round from the comfort of home.

Eve Home Garden

Eve Indoor Vertical Garden

Combining modern furniture design with plant science, The Eve home garden is easy to use and ideal for growing a wide variety of herbs and leafy greens.

Purple basil starter plant 574x499

Purple Basil Starter Plants

Add some colour to your home garden with NuLeaf’s purple basil hydroponic starter plants.