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Fodder Farms

  • Nutrient-Dense Feed: Hydroponic fodder provides a highly digestible, nutrient-rich feed source that improves livestock health and performance.
  • Water Efficiency: Compared to traditional feed crops, hydroponic systems use up to 90% less water, making it an eco-friendly and sustainable option.
  • Year-Round Production: With a controlled environment, hydroponic fodder can be grown consistently throughout the year, regardless of weather conditions.
  • Feed Costs: By growing fodder onsite, livestock operations struggling to access enough pasture land can cut down on the costs associated with buying, transporting, and storing feed.
  • Improved Digestibility: Sprouted barley fodder is easier for animals to digest, leading to better nutrient absorption and improved overall health.
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Benefits of Feeding Hydroponic Fodder to Livestock:

  • Nutrient-Dense Feed: Hydroponic fodder provides a highly digestible, nutrient-rich feed source that improves livestock health and performance.
  • Water Efficiency: Compared to traditional feed crops, hydroponic systems use up to 90% less water, making it an eco-friendly and sustainable option.
  • Year-Round Production: With a controlled environment, hydroponic fodder can be grown consistently throughout the year, regardless of weather conditions.
  • Reduced Feed Costs: By growing fodder onsite, livestock operations can significantly cut down on the costs associated with buying, transporting, and storing feed.
  • Improved Digestibility: Sprouted barley fodder is easier for animals to digest, leading to better nutrient absorption and improved overall health.

NuLeaf Modular Hydroponic Barley Fodder System

At NuLeaf Farms, we understand the challenges of providing high-quality, cost-effective feed for livestock. That’s why we’ve developed our modular hydroponic barley fodder system, designed to deliver nutrient-dense feed while maximizing efficiency and sustainability. Our system allows livestock operations to take control of their feed production, reducing costs and improving animal health.

Key Features of NuLeaf Fodder Farms:

  • Modular Design for Easy Expansion
    Our system is built with flexibility in mind. Whether you’re starting small or need to scale up, each module integrates seamlessly with the next, allowing for rapid expansion as your operation grows.
  • Extreme Weather Durability
    Rated for temperatures ranging from -40°C to +40°C, our hydroponic systems are built to thrive in any climate. No matter the weather, you can rely on continuous, high-quality fodder production.
  • 1 Ton of Daily Production Per Module
    Each module is capable of producing up to 1 ton of fresh barley fodder daily, providing a consistent and reliable feed source for your livestock year-round.
  • Advanced Automation and Control
    The system includes automated irrigation with variable irrigation recipes, 4 precision dosing pumps for additives, and a 400 GPD reverse osmosis system. Our automated seed germination process ensures the perfect start for every crop by sterilizing, rinsing, and soaking seeds.
  • Production Management Software
    Manage and monitor your fodder production with ease through our 24/7 remote connectivity. Our software offers full control over lighting, environmental conditions, ration tracking, and more, giving you the data and insights needed to optimize production.
  • Rugged, Durable Equipment
    Each module includes two fodder racks, measuring 30 feet long, 6’6″ wide, and 8’5″ tall. With 6’3″ growing channels and 147 UV-resistant trays per rack, the system is designed for maximum efficiency and ease of cleaning. Centralized drainage, HVAC, and heating systems ensure your fodder farm operates smoothly in all conditions.

Why Choose NuLeaf Fodder Systems?

At NuLeaf Farms, we prioritize durability, performance, and sustainability. Our equipment is designed to maximize your return on investment, providing years of reliable service. By producing your own hydroponic fodder, you can reduce feed costs, improve the health of your animals, and achieve greater control over your feed supply.

Take the Next Step

Are you ready to revolutionize your livestock feed operation? Fill out our online form, and a NuLeaf Farms expert will be happy to discuss how our modular hydroponic fodder system can benefit your business. From initial design to long-term support, we’re here to help you grow.